“I get to fill my mind over and over with the incredible stories of JESUS turning lives around?! COME ON!” This is why Ryan said YES when asked to host One80!
Ryan completed his bachelor’s in Vocal Music Education from Millikin University and master’s in General Music Education from Vandercook College of Music.  As a longtime K-5 music teacher in Naperville, IL, Ryan has equally loved his students and community as they have loved him. This guy is ACTIVE! Ryan directs two elementary school choirs along with a music composition club. He also directs two choirs with Young Naperville Singers, which has been a home-away-from-home for him. Ryan is used to engaging and interacting with large groups of people almost daily, so the invitation to go deep with people from around the world is exciting to him!  
Outside of his day job, Ryan serves as a worship leader and one of the pastors at River’s Edge Fellowship in Montgomery (his home for 14 years!).  He absolutely loves leading worship for events that bring the regional Christian community together!  In 2020, Ryan released an album of new worship music called Wedding Day. This was a recording project that shared rich testimonies and songs with Christians from all over.  
Anyone who knows Ryan knows that he LOVES talking about Jesus. Nothing else can bring a 6’2” grown man to tears faster than the love of a radical God and His radical ways of showcasing that love in our lives! Sharing Jesus and life with people over coffee or a meal is WHERE IT IS AT for Ryan.   
NOW, onto his GREATEST JOY! He has been married to his bride for 14 years, and they have seven beautiful children together ages 12 and under. Ryan and Mari LOVE sharing their home several times a week for gatherings, such as a Bible study, a neighborhood dinner, a young adult group, and an open-door Saturday night gathering. His heart LONGS for “church” as we see in the book of Acts: together daily, overflowing with love and generosity, powerful, and ever-expanding. He longs for people to come to know Jesus by experiencing His radical love through radically loving people – the Church!
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