Almost Became Buddhist


Tracy Glatz grew up in Ireland with little knowledge of the Bible. When she started exhibiting signs of Body Dysmorphic Disorder, she went to all the wrong places to find relief from the self hatred it caused. New faith in Christ after being moved by The Passion of the Christ movie helped her find direction. So how did Tracy go from faith to almost becoming Buddhist? Learn how the slow tug to Eastern religion caused by lack of discipleship caused her faith to go off track, and be encouraged how God lulled her back with a magic leaflet. And her deeper grounded faith helped her find healing from Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Life Off Track


In this intense and deeply moving episode, hear the transformative journey of RJ as he goes from the perpetrator of a grave crime and an attempted suicide inadvertently on the wrong track, to prison, redemption in Jesus, and true freedom. RJ is the founder of Not My Will Ministries where he coaches other convicted sex offenders to break patterns that got them to prison and to find freedom in Christ.

The COVID Awakening


When Dawson Trimble was thrust from a secluded Christian environment to public schooling, he realized that following Jesus was harder than just being a pastor’s son. Confusing moral questions and peer pressure lulled him into spiritual complacency in middle and high school. But the isolation from the onset of Covid-19 not only brought him time with his believing family, but also time in God’s Word. Gripped by conviction and awoken by truth, Dawson’s life changed dramatically. He now attends Moody Bible Institute, which has solidified his commitment to following the Lord into a ministry career. 

Prayer Walk Across America


Rick and Jane McKinney share their inspiring testimonies. Though from different parts of the country, God wove their stories in such a powerful way that they could be used together. Rick has been a senior pastor, itinerant evangelist, college teacher and prayer warrior. Hear their advice on witnessing to others from their many years’ experience from the field. Be inspired from their call to pray for the nation, on foot, from coast to coast. Today’s Sendoff features Blind Tony with a prayer for the nation.

Taking Back the Night


Jenni Ramsey shares her heartfelt and transformative journey from a privileged but spiritually empty childhood to finding hope, healing, and purpose through her faith in Christ. Jenni recounts the trauma of being kidnapped at the age of eight and how the fear and absence of spiritual guidance shaped her early years. It wasn’t until a friend invited her to a youth group that she found the safety and sense of belonging she had been searching for. Her commitment to Christ at a Petra concert became the most pivotal moment in her life, leading her to a fulfilling path in missions. Jenni’s story encapsulates the power of faith in overcoming trauma and her dedication to serving others who have faced similar pain, ultimately bringing hope and redemption through her work in El Salvador. Today’s Sendoff features a cover of a Petra song, “More Power to You,” by fabled Christian heavy metal artists Rex Carroll of White Cross and Dave Miller of F.O.G.

“The New Guy” Made New in Christ


Thrust into adulthood as he moved across town to a new school, Micah Syswerda became the new guy. He felt pressure to reinvent himself and was also totally unprepared for the onslaught of temptation that would come his way through social media. Before long, Micah found himself being drawn into same sex attraction. But these feelings only caused confusion and even more isolation, until Micah planned on taking his life. The Holy Spirit prompted a friend to intervene and help him see his true identity in Christ. Truly renewed in Christ, Micah now leads the blog, The Path Toward Holiness, which gives Christians the tools to have tough and important conversations.

“Amount to Nothing” to Harvard Business School

MAY 28

John Boyle was raised in idyllic West Virginia, Appalachian country. But the life he lived at home filled with abuse caused more scars than he could bear. He was even told he would amount to nothing by teachers. John turned to alcohol to cope with the trauma, which only made matters worse, until the doctor told him he was dying from the inside. John needed help that he could not muster from his own strength and found Jesus amid his weakness. Not only was he able to overcome alcoholism, but now had a loving guide through PTSD. And an amazing Harvard Business School education to boot. Be encouraged by John’s One80 and moved by the Sendoff, “I Met the Master,” read by Mo Thompson.

Navy SEAL to God’s Warrior

MAY 14

There’s Christian light. And there’s Jason Perry. The former Navy SEAL, former SWAT Team member, and current pastor is not only Chrisyian heavy, but wants us to see Jesus as a meek warrior too. That’s the savior he found, after growing up an atheist, attempting to fill an abandonment hole with patriotism and coming to the end of himself, right into the arms of Jesus. Today’s Sendoff features Prayercast. Join us as we pray for veterans and active duty personnel.


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