Izzy Koo is a student at Pepperdine University. Though raised in Seattle, Izzy has loved her first year of college in California as she pursues an English and Religion major with the hopes of going into ministry.

After her transformational encounter with God in high school, Izzy has committed to a life of serving and loving God and His people.

At sixteen, she started the “Project Encounter” movement – an international gathering of teenagers online during the pandemic to encourage one another through worship and testimonies.

She believes strongly in teenagers inspiring other teenagers with their stories, which has led her to start her blog “Finding Me”, compose songs, and release her first book, “Finding God, Finding Me.” Izzy’s book is a testimonial story of her changed life through Jesus, and she hopes that it will reach teenagers in a relatable and convicting way. 

While Izzy is constantly working on new projects, she also enjoys being your everyday college student. In her free time, Izzy loves playing volleyball and pickleball, writing and playing music, and watching Korean dramas with her family. However, Izzy’s greatest joy is connecting with people. You can always reach her on instagram (izzy_koo) or contact her through her blog (www.mywaytofindingme.com).

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