“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” (Rom 1:16)

Dr. Thilak  Pappu was born and raised in a Hindu family in Kerala, south India.The pursuit of salvation led him to many Hindu temples from a young age of 8. Finally he ended up in a Hindu monastery where he studied under a Hindu Guru for 13 years. At the age of 22, he surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of Delhi Brethren Assembly in New Delhi. Thilak came to United States in 1986 to study business at Fresno Pacific College in California. His dream was to become a successful business man and to live in United States. Fortunately the business college he attended was a Christian School and he got a chance to know more about his Savior Jesus Christ.  In 1987 at the Urbana’87 missions conference Chicago Thilak received his call to serve the Lord when Dr. Billy Graham preached from the Book of Isaiah chapter 6. Since then, he discontinued his business studies and went to San Jose Bible College, in San Jose, CA. At the same time he joined with his bro. Pushpan Pappu in serving Christ among the Hindus in the Bay Area.  After graduating from the Bible College, he went to Columbia Biblical Seminary for his M. Div.  


Dr.Thilak Pappu graduated with D. Min (Doctorate in Ministry) from Columbia International University, Columbia, South Carolina. 

E mail with your questions about Hinduism:   thilakpappu@gmail.com





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