If variety is the spice of life, Jamie seems to like it spicy!

Among other various jobs, Jamie gets to head up a project focused on one of the most important things she can imagine: mobilizing prayer for Hindus.

This has come after years of zigzagging between Hindu ministry in India and the US, pursuing her Masters in Clinical Psychology and a PhD in Theology, and doing other church and ministry work such as leading others in spiritual formation and retreats. Marriage, having children and homeschooling her four kids for several years fits somewhere nicely in the middle.

“Seeing how God can harness these varied experiences and educational opportunities, which seemed so disconnected for years, now used strategically in this one project to catalyze prayer for millions of these precious people has been such a lesson in God’s creative faithfulness.” When Jamie is not napping between her dogs from the insanity of her various pursuits, you can find her at Jamie.Howard@owm.org.




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