Episode 46 Transcript

Episode 46 Transcript

One80 Podcast Transcript46: Heather King, Delivered from Death’s Door This transcript may have errors that veer from the actual audio found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: If you’re a Christ follower, you went from death to life. But for...
Mike D’Virgilio

Mike D’Virgilio

Mike has a B.S. in Communication from Arizona State University, and an M.A. in Systematic Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary Philadelphia. He has worked in public relations, sales, and marketing for over three decades, while his passion for writing has...
Episode 43 Transcript

Episode 43 Transcript

One80 Podcast Episode 43: John Kirkby Debt Collector to Christians Against Poverty This transcript of One80 Podcast may have errors that veer from the original recording. https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Ryan Henry: Like Matthew in the Bible, Dr. John Kirkby, C B E...
Episode 43 Transcript

John Kirkby

John Kirkby founded Christians Against Poverty, CAP, in 1996, combining his 17 years’ experience in the consumer finance industry with his personal experience of being in overwhelming debt. His faith-filled journey through CAP’s early years is recorded in the book...
Episode 42 Transcript

Episode 42 Transcript

One80 Podcast Episode 42 David Sadik, Transcript This is a transcript of the One80 Podcast that may veer from the original audio found at https://one80podcast.com/listen/. Ryan Henry: Sometimes our greatest acts of evangelism are praying. Just simple acts of...