Episode 70 Transcript

Episode 70 Transcript

One80 Podcast Christian Testimonies Episode 70: Micah Syswerda “The New Guy” Made New in Christ This transcript may have errors that veer from the original audio, found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: This show contains pornography, same sex...
Liv LeDuc

Liv LeDuc

Liv LeDuc hails from Pennsylvania and is a junior at Wheaton College majoring in Communications. She is pursuing missions but calls herself “the most reluctant future missionary.” Liv grew up being ashamed of the gospel and her faith. Bipolar disorder only...
Love Muslims

Love Muslims

God loves Muslims. He LOVES them! He loves them SO much that He came to the earth as a baby, lived a perfect life, gave His own life as the perfect sacrifice for their sins, and then raised Himself from the grave! And He wants all Muslims “to be saved and to come to...
Episode 61 Transcript

Episode 61 Transcript

One80 Podcast, Episode 61: Izzy Koo The Choice: Friends or God This transcript may have errors that veer from the original podcast audio found at https://one80podcast.com/ Izzy Koo was just a normal high schooler living her life. A misunderstanding caused her friends...
Episode 61 Transcript

Izzy Koo

Izzy Koo is a student at Pepperdine University. Though raised in Seattle, Izzy has loved her first year of college in California as she pursues an English and Religion major with the hopes of going into ministry. After her transformational encounter with God in high...