Episode 63, Transcript. Monty Rieck: The Cowboy Preacher

Episode 63, Transcript. Monty Rieck: The Cowboy Preacher

Monty Rieck, The Cowboy Preacher, Episode 63 One80 Podcast TranscriptThis transcript of One80 Podcast may contain errors that veer from the original recording, found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: This show contains marital infidelity,...
Episode 63, Transcript. Monty Rieck: The Cowboy Preacher

Monty Rieck

Monty Rieck knows trouble. Before becoming a minister of Christ, he chased all the world had to offer, leaving him desperate for answers. Little did he know, he was the one being pursued. Despite suffering financial loss, emotional heartbreak and physical pain, he...