RJ Johnson

RJ Johnson

RJ has a passion for sharing with others that God is STILL in the Miracle Business, delivering hope and support to the church behind bars. RJ is the author of the awe-inspiring andcaptivating book God Doesn’t Waste a Thing (written by pen name Luke Chance),...
Episode 72 Transcript. Rick and Jane McKinney: Prayer Walk Across America

Rick and Jane McKinney

Rick and Jane McKinney have lived an extraordinary life of ministry. Once described as “mavericks,” they have literally stepped out into the unknown to embrace God’s call and have experienced His presence in a way that only comes through a life of obedience. Whether...
Episode 70 Transcript

Episode 70 Transcript

One80 Podcast Christian Testimonies Episode 70: Micah Syswerda “The New Guy” Made New in Christ This transcript may have errors that veer from the original audio, found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: This show contains pornography, same sex...
Episode 69 Transcript

Episode 69 Transcript

One80 Podcast TranscriptEpisode 69: John Boyle”Amount to Nothing” to Harvard Business School  This is a transcript that may have errors that veer from the original audio, found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: How does a guy go from...