Zam Muan is a music and video intern who loves Jesus and wants to serve Him through music and missions. 

Zam was born and grew up in Myanmar under the loving care of his grandmother, a Christian in a population where almost 80 percent of the people are Buddhist. Zam’s grandmother lovingly shared the gospel with Zam when she taught him about the Bible and took him to Sunday school every weekend. Zam told us that when he was sick, she would tell him, “Ki khawm le te dam pai vak,” which means, “You need God for healing, and you need to go to church more than ever.” 

Zam and his brother Mangmang accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior in 2016, just a few months before they moved to the United States. They wanted to serve Christ through music together, but Mangmang suffered from a serious health condition, and neither could afford any instruments. Zam and Mangmang prayed for God to provide, and the Make-A-Wish Foundation miraculously answered their wish! Sadly, Mangmang never got to play his instrument, because he went to be with the Lord while the instruments were being delivered. 

After his brother’s passing, Zam struggled in his relationship with God. He shared that God used his church community and relatives to help him grieve and restore his focus on Christ. “The Lord was faithful to teach me how I will need to be faithful to Him,” he said. “He helped me recall the memories with my brother on how we will need to serve God. Since then, my eyes are fixed on serving God with music.”

In the past few years, Zam has been studying music at Taylor University. He has been using his musical gifts to serve God by leading congregational worship, Taylor’s chapel bands, the student-led gospel choir, and other worship events. After he graduates from Taylor next year, his dream is to go back to Myanmar and build a 24/7 Prayer House with “many rooms, a chapel, and a huge conference room where prayer and worship will not cease.”

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