Kate Kavanaugh is a cultivator of beauty and lover of people.  She enjoys singing, Disney, where she had the privilege of working through the Disney College Program, and reading Russian literature.
She attended Moody Bible Institute and Studied Vocal Performance, focusing on Opera. When Covid hit, all her Opera performance plans went awry, and the Lord caused her to reassess what was most important.
She was faced with what HE wanted her to do, rather than what she could plan. He led her to quit her job, and pursue full-time ministry at OneWay. She came on staff with OneWay in 2021 as the Coordinator of Young Adult Ministries.
She adores building relationships, hosting events, and helping people feel that they belong – so, her job is a dream! Kate is the VoiceOver talent in the One80 podcast. 
Instagram: @katekavs3130
Facebook: Kate Kavanaugh(KateKavs)




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