Born in Karachi, Pakistan, Malik Ali was raised in a devout Muslim home. After
Malik’s father died, he was thrust into adulthood, but this began an addiction to
money. He started using and selling drugs and got caught. A failed suicide attempt
did not keep Malik from jail, where he served 18 months. While in jail, he decided to become clean. However, when he got out he simply began a new addiction-self
help. “I was just putting band aids where surgery was needed.” But after a visit to a
church, Malik found a deep peace and the God of the universe whispered to him to
follow his son.

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Kim Endraske

"Why would God choose someone like me?" Kim's days are packed from before sunrise to much too late...

Episode 48 Transcript

Episode 48 Transcript

Transcript Episode 48One80 Podcast, Don Long This transcript may have errors that veer from the...

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Diane Dassing

Diane Dassing is a profound communicator, as a speaker, writer, and teacher. With over 2 decades...