Micah Syswerda is a senior at Liberty University and planning to pursue a career in Mental Health Counseling. He enjoys hanging out with friends; he is a coffee FANATIC, and you will often find him with candles lit, reading a good book.

Although he never cared to admit it growing up, he once identified with the LGBTQ community. Micah felt lost and misunderstood until one day, the Lord surrounded him with his love and grace. Struggling to reconcile his sexuality with newfound faith, he felt he had nowhere to turn, afraid of what others might say.

Over the years, he has learned that honesty (with yourself, God, and community) is the only thing that leads to growth and healing.

Micah hopes to facilitate well-needed conversation with his blog, Path Toward Holiness, opening the doors so no individual feels unworthy of God’s love, and to equip Christians to better love others in their homes, their communities, and the world.



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