by admin | Oct 15, 2023 | transcript
One80 Podcast Episode 51 Diane Dassing, Dealer to HealerTranscript This transcript may have errors that veer from the original recording found at Ryan Henry: This show mentions abuse, alcoholism, drug use and dealing, and promiscuity....
by admin | Oct 8, 2023 | transcript
One80 Podcast Transcript Episode 50 Jonathan Hickory, Break Every Chain This transcript may have errors that veer from the original podcast audio found here: Ryan Henry: Trauma and Jonathan Hickory knew each other well. Childhood...
by admin | Oct 1, 2023 | transcript
Transcript, David BrooksOne80 Podcast Episode 49This transcript may have errors that veer from the original recording, found here: Today’s show mentions marijuana, polygamy, and abuse. It’s probably not good for young kids...
by admin | Sep 27, 2023 | transcript, Uncategorized
Transcript Episode 48One80 Podcast, Don Long This transcript may have errors that veer from the original audio, found here: Don Long: When you’re left on your own, you develop an independence, that some would applaud you for. But as I...
by admin | Sep 21, 2023 | Uncategorized
Diane Dassing is a profound communicator, as a speaker, writer, and teacher. With over 2 decades of recovery experience, Diane has been in the trenches with others who have been broken and has had her own experiences with hopelessness and desperation. However, Diane...