“Me preaching about all things beauty? Oh you are funny God.”

As part of the family business, Tracy Glatz has been placed in the ‘beauty department’ with a task to bring God’s truth on this topic to a misled world.

After completing a degree and a MSc in Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, Tracy embarked on a thirteen-year journey in the environmental industry, working on everything from marine mapping projects 600km off the Irish coast to disaster management and earthquake recovery in Christchurch, New Zealand. Then, after giving birth to her first angel, Tracy hung up her hardhat and safety boots to obey the calling that God had placed on her life – to use all of her messy past for good, to work with girls and women struggling with body-image issues. 

Today, Tracy is a wife to her Czech husband of ten years; Michal, is a fur-mom to her senior labradoodle, Lance, and has two young male angels.

Part of using her past for the kingdom was to first come to terms with it and share it. This resulted in the recent publication of her testimony, My Face and God, a fascinating rare story about how she was supernaturally healed from the torment of Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

With the foundations of her ministry now built, Tracy gives talks, runs workshops and coaches women of all ages on anything to do with disordered eating and body positivity. 

When Tracy is not smothering her kids and dog in kisses and cuddles, you can reach her here:




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