Episode 73 Transcript. The Intern Show, Dawson Trimble: The Covid Awakening
One80 Podcast TranscriptEpisode 73: Intern ShowDawson Trimble: The Covid AwakeningThis transcript may have errors that veer from the original audio, found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/Louise Lamb: Welcome to our One80 Intern Show. This is Louise Lamb, your...
Episode 72 Transcript. Rick and Jane McKinney: Prayer Walk Across America
One80 Podcast Episode 72Rick and Jane McKinneyPrayerwalk Across America This transcript may have errors that veer from the original audio, found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: Today's One80 is 100 percent feel good inspiration. Rick and Jane...
Episode 70 Transcript
One80 Podcast Christian Testimonies Episode 70: Micah Syswerda “The New Guy” Made New in Christ This transcript may have errors that veer from the original audio, found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: This show contains pornography, same sex...
Episode 69 Transcript
One80 Podcast TranscriptEpisode 69: John Boyle"Amount to Nothing" to Harvard Business School This is a transcript that may have errors that veer from the original audio, found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: How does a guy go from the middle...
Episode 68 Transcript, Jason Perry, Navy SEAL to God’s Warrior
One80 Podcast Episode 68 Jason Perry: Navy SEAL to God's Warrior This transcript may have errors that veer from the original audio, found here: https://one80podcast.com/ Margaret Ereneta: It's so encouraging to hear about our friends who are listening to...
Episode 63, Transcript. Monty Rieck: The Cowboy Preacher
Monty Rieck, The Cowboy Preacher, Episode 63 One80 Podcast TranscriptThis transcript of One80 Podcast may contain errors that veer from the original recording, found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: This show contains marital infidelity,...
Episode 61 Transcript
One80 Podcast, Episode 61: Izzy Koo The Choice: Friends or God This transcript may have errors that veer from the original podcast audio found at https://one80podcast.com/ Izzy Koo was just a normal high schooler living her life. A misunderstanding caused her friends...
Episode 60 Transcript
One80 Podcast, Episode 60 Josh McDowell, Atheist to Mega Evangelist This is transcript of One80 Podcast may have errors that veer from the audio, found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: Today’s show contains sexual abuse, alcoholism and some...
Episode 57 Transcript
One80 Podcast Episode 57, Encore Revival Breaks out at Asbury This transcript of the One80 Podcast may have errors that veer from the original audio found at https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Today is an Encore of season two's top One80 Revival Breaks out at Asbury....
Episode 56 Transcript
One80 Podcast Episode 56 Tytiyana Jones: Bullied, Now Contagious Joy This transcript of One80 Podcast may have errors that veer from the audio, found at https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: We sat down with TyTiana Jones and I have to tell you, she is...
Episode 55 Transcript
One80 Podcast Transcript, Episode 55: Michael Buhrman, The Fugitive Who Couldn’t Outrun God This transcript may have errors that veer from the original audio found at https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: Today's show mentions alcohol theft and a cow...
Episode 54 Transcript
One80 Podcast, Episode 54 TranscriptDale Hummel, Taking the Gospel Beyond the MountainsThis transcript may have errors that veer from the audio found at https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Dale Hummel was running. Literally, from a man with a machete as a boy in Papua...
Episode 53 Transcript
One80 Podcast, Episode 53Doreen Virtue, Deceived No More This is a transcript of a One80 Podcast that may veer from the original audio found here. https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Doreen Virtue: But I was at the peak of my career. When I was saved, I had no reason to...
Episode 52 Transcript
One80 Podcast One80 Podcast, Episode 52Kim Endraske, Passionate Atheist to Passionate ChristianThis transcript may have errors that veer from the audio found at https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: There's atheists and there's evangelistic atheists. Kim...
Episode 51 Transcript
One80 Podcast Episode 51 Diane Dassing, Dealer to HealerTranscript This transcript may have errors that veer from the original recording found at https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Ryan Henry: This show mentions abuse, alcoholism, drug use and dealing, and promiscuity....
Episode 50 Transcript
One80 Podcast Transcript Episode 50 Jonathan Hickory, Break Every Chain This transcript may have errors that veer from the original podcast audio found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Ryan Henry: Trauma and Jonathan Hickory knew each other well. Childhood...
Episode 49 Transcript
Transcript, David BrooksOne80 Podcast Episode 49This transcript may have errors that veer from the original recording, found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Today's show mentions marijuana, polygamy, and abuse. It's probably not good for young kids today. ...
Episode 48 Transcript
Transcript Episode 48One80 Podcast, Don Long This transcript may have errors that veer from the original audio, found here: https://one80podcast.com/ Don Long: When you're left on your own, you develop an independence, that some would applaud you for. But as I look...
Episode 47 Transcript
One80 Podcast Episode 47 Transcript Thilak Pappu, Raised by a Guru This transcript may have errors that veer from the original One80 Podcast audio, found here: https://one80podcast.com/ Thilak Pappu: and so I pray morning and evening and just asking. And I was getting...
Episode 46 Transcript
One80 Podcast Transcript46: Heather King, Delivered from Death’s Door This transcript may have errors that veer from the actual audio found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: If you're a Christ follower, you went from death to life. But for...
Episode 45 Transcript
One80 Podcast Transcript Episode 45: Faith Rekindled, Passion Awakened Zam Muan, OneWay Intern Show This transcript may veer from the original audio found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Liv LeDuc: From complacency to passion, this is Zam Muan's story. Growing...
Episode 44 Transcript
One80 Podcast, Episode 44 Mike D'Virgilio: Drive-by Truth Shooter This transcript of One80 Podcast may have errors that veer from the recording found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/Today's show mentions partying, weed, and alcohol. Okay, so today's One80 is not...
Episode 43 Transcript
One80 Podcast Episode 43: John Kirkby Debt Collector to Christians Against Poverty This transcript of One80 Podcast may have errors that veer from the original recording. https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Ryan Henry: Like Matthew in the Bible, Dr. John Kirkby, C B E...
Episode 42 Transcript
One80 Podcast Episode 42 David Sadik, Transcript This is a transcript of the One80 Podcast that may veer from the original audio found at https://one80podcast.com/listen/. Ryan Henry: Sometimes our greatest acts of evangelism are praying. Just simple acts of...
Episode 41 Transcript
One80 Podcast Episode 41 David Harrop: Alligator Alley This transcript may have errors that veer from the original recording of this One80 Podcast. Listen at https://one80podcast.com/listen/ David Harrop: I was a junior in high school when 1975 came and went. My first...
Episode 40 Transcript
One80 Podcast Episode 40 Valeria Cerreto: Jesus at the Dashboard This transcript may have errors that veer from the original recording of this One80 Podcast. Listen at https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Valeria Cerreto: And, um, that was my lowest moment when I didn't...
Episode 39 Transcript
One80 Podcast, Episode 39, Transcript This transcript may have errors that do not reflect the actual audio in the show. Margaret Ereneta: Hey, thanks for tuning in today. Today's show talks about drugs, so just wanted you to know that in case you have little kids...
Episode 36 transcript
Season 2 John Thompson This Transcript may have errors that veer from the original recording. Ryan Henry: Yeah. This is gonna be a, a great time. I'm, I'm excited to hear your story. Um, but before we get too far into your story, um, we know that you like, you're...
Episode 35 transcript
One80 Podcast Episode 35: Revival Breaks out at Asbury Transcript This transcript may have errors that veer from the accuracy of the audio found at https://one80podcast.com/listen/. And we apologize if not all of God’s powerful names are capitalized. Margaret Ereneta:...
Episode 32 transcript
One80 Podcast Episode 32: Jon Noyes Truth Came Crashing Through the Door There may be errors in the transcript that veer from the original recording found at https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Ryan Henry: Ma'am we would appreciate it. If you never brought your son. From...
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