Episode 69 Transcript

Episode 69 Transcript

One80 Podcast TranscriptEpisode 69: John Boyle”Amount to Nothing” to Harvard Business School  This is a transcript that may have errors that veer from the original audio, found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: How does a guy go from...
Alexandra Justyna

Alexandra Justyna

Alexandra Justyna is surprised that she is now sharing her own past struggles, which have enabled her to help others overcome theirs. As a survivor of abuse and trauma, she gets to share her testimony to give others hope. In addition, as a leader of a makeup counter,...
Episode 50 Transcript

Episode 50 Transcript

One80 Podcast Transcript Episode 50 Jonathan Hickory, Break Every Chain This transcript may have errors that veer from the original podcast audio found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Ryan Henry: Trauma and Jonathan Hickory knew each other well. Childhood...
Episode 50 Transcript

Jonathan Hickory

Jonathan Hickory is a Master Police Officer in Charlottesville, Virginia. In his 19 plus years of police experience, Jonathan has mentored and instructed other officers in police driving methods and as a Field Training Officer. Jonathan spent seven years investigating...
Episode 46 Transcript

Episode 46 Transcript

One80 Podcast Transcript46: Heather King, Delivered from Death’s Door This transcript may have errors that veer from the actual audio found here: https://one80podcast.com/listen/ Margaret Ereneta: If you’re a Christ follower, you went from death to life. But for...